Smile! When you work


What I really like in design (and not only in design) is sense of humor.


Of course not all well designed products must be fun. They should be either useful or beautiful as well (or whole at the same time). However, when I see fun furniture, accessory or gadget I am almost sure that a person who had designed it enjoys his or her job.


Regarding the fact that most of our life we spend working or sleeping (or both at the same time) it would be ideal if we could perform our work with joy and passion.

This is my goal. And that's what I'd like to learn from the designers.


Another reflection is not very revealing: its easier to get rid of negative emotions or habits when you have one of these great humor improvers at home.


Here are some propositions for those who work very hard to make their days easier.


knit a cover for your scooter

How to get to work nice and easily? On your scooter. Don't forget to knit a cover for your vehicle:


funny headset

If you choose other means of transport you can listen to the radio. And explain everyone: I'm not a doctor! It's my headset. Stetheadphone designed by Antrepo Design Industry;


funny headset not only for a doctor



skater stool

Not only for skaters using computer. Skater designed by Hannes Wettstein;


skater place for computer



venus funny erotic clip holder

You can't stop thinking about women's shapes at work?  Use clip holder designed by Marc Graells. Venus' clips;


CUCKOO funny clock

Don't forget to leave home. Use a clock. Cuckoo Home designed by Ilya Titov;






cuelgame funny kitchen accessories Smile! Kitchen accessories google umbrela funny design Smile! Outdoor time
rem bedcloth funny home design Smile! Indoor relax