Atmospheric Spiral Light by AdamLamp


Christmas is coming. I have already bought all gifts, but it's not the gifts I am going to write about today. It's Christmas atmosphere.

What makes it so special – so different from other feast days? My senses give me the answer. For me these are:

  • The smell of Christmas tree, borsch and pierogies with sauerkraut and mushrooms.
  • The sound of jingles and Christmas old-school hits in small doses (I try to avoid malls in December not to overdose).
  • The touch of snow on my face (I am still awaiting this year).
  • And the look of the decorative lights.

So, what would be the best way to recall Christmas atmosphere off the season? I am not keen on cooking and I wouldn't sacrifice another fir the same year. I also cannot rely on weather. The songs are not enough. Definitely the lights are best idea. Of course I don't intend to be so literal to decorate a house with little star-shaped lights. I've got something better on my mind. Spiral Light by AdamLamp.


These are spiral folding floor lamps, whose main purpose is to create an unique atmosphere. They were originally conceived as light decorations for garden parties. The final form, however do not restrict their place of use, so we can use them both indoors and outdoors.


The Spiral Lights are made of 0,8 and 0,5 mm polypropylene sheets with digital-cutting technology (CNC) and the characteristics of the material are: flexibility, easily cleanable and airiness.

The structure of the form is one flat sheet turning into a spatial system. The objects have traced patterns based on the ratio of logarithmic spirals and are distorted and condensed from various directions. The system of the ratio also exists in the forms of pine cones, sunflower, the flakes of pineapple and in the leaves and the stems of some plants as well. The light source, placed in the middle, creates different sight from every angle, a vision of various spirals. The rays of light passing through the form project lively images on the surroundings and create magic atmosphere.

The SPIRAL product line consists of decorative objects in various forms (sphere, lentil, bean and kidney) sizes and colours. They are equipped with wall adapter and a cable of 5 m long. White versions are available with infra remote microcontroller and you can choose the colour of the light due to the RGB LED light.

So, if not Christmas – maybe a birthday party?


spiral light decorations by adam lamp


spiral light by adam lamp


spiral light by adam lamp


bean spiral light by adam juhasz


sphere spiral lights by adam juhasz


spiral light by adam juhasz


decorative spiral lights by adamlamp


decorative lalmps by adam juhasz


atmpospheric spiral lights by adam juhasz


atmospheric spiral lights by adam juhasz


atmospheric floor lamps by adamlamp

Photo credits to AdamLamp and Aleksandra Floriańska



flo lamp from outer space Interior design from outer space. Ligthing