Innovative, ultra-comfortable chair and computer workstation mPosition


Everyone who works at the computer for many hours a day, either professionally or in the leisure time, knows that comfortable chair and desk are the necessity. According to the results of the latest ergonomic studies regarding optimal body position at work, a sitting-lying position is the healthiest and most comfortable one. What's more, it also conduces a prolonged concentration.


mposition innovative comfortable chair and computer workstation

Human body. Home design inspired by the sexiest body parts.


Some body parts are more inspiring and therefore more popular amongst the artists through the ages. These are parts of our body related with sex, gender and love. Two hundred years ago an artist in love could have written a sonnet for his lady or song her a ballad. Today he can make a lamp or sofa inspired with her figure advantages to win her heart (or sell it and win a fortune).

Here find some nice furniture and accessories inspired by the sexiest body parts


him and her sexy chairs