Smart cardboard toys for boys and girls by


Guess what was one of my children's favourite toy? Our new washing machine cardboard packaging. We have made a house of it and the children have decorated it with crayons. They have played with it for another 5 or 6 months until it got totally damaged and we had to get rid of it. And then there was a black despair and a bereavement...


Children's preference for cardboard houses is not just a marketing trick or a myth spread by ecology fanatics. Kids do like having their own space where they can create and hide – the room is too big and too accessible for adults. The cardboard house is just right size and it offers a space for child's decorations – all the walls inside and outside – and for his/her secrets.


cardboard toy

Mukaki – beautiful and ecological lamps and decorations for children's room


There are many women all over the world (including me) for whom maternity is important not only because of giving birth to a child. It is very often an impulse for creation or a turning point in artistic career. Maternity releases energy and broaden horizons. It leaves significant mark in women's brain and soul, and impacts on creativity. It's amazing how many beautiful, interesting, and helpful items was created by parents for children and for other parents!


mukaki lamps and decorations for chidren's room

Is it a bike? Is it a stroller? It's super Taga!


Young parents (no matter what age they are) have to face many dilemmas. At the beginning, even a visit in a shop or a bank can be an organisational challenge. If your target is 1 km away from your home and your child is too small to use a regular bike carrier you have to decide, whether to walk (again!) or take a car (not eco friendly!). And when your child is finally able to use bike carrier you have to consider whether you would be able to leave the bike safely outside...


Such problems wouldn't concern you if you have Taga, a multifunctional vehicle designed for families. It is a baby stroller and carrier bike all rolled into one. In less then 20 seconds, Taga goes from fun, safe and maneuverable bicycle to designer stroller that easily navigates stores, boards trains and slides into elevators.


taga bicycle and stroller

Scandinavian STOOLS for kids by Collect Furniture


Who doesn't like people with fantasy? I do. A lot.


Danish designer Frederic Colette, not only has fantasy but he also doesn't hesitate to use it to create wonderful furniture for children (and to grow fantastic mustache for himself). With a Ph.D. in civil engineering his designs combine stability, durability and safety with visual appeal. What's more, he consults his projects with the target group before production.


stools by frederic collette